Summer was drawing to a close and autumn was coming on - the end of our first year in Coigach. Time again for the last dipping before the fall sheep sales in Dingwall. The young ewe lambs were taken back out to the islands and the government issue rams were ready to be brought into the parks to start the sheep cycle over again.
And it was time for the annual influx of the Klondykers - large factory s

hips from all over Europe who would come every year to anchor in Loch Broom and buy fish that they would process right there on the boats. Other large fishing boats would come into Loch Broom and the Minche to net and dredge and sell their catch to the factory ships. This could pose a problem for local fishermen who would sometimes have their prawn fleets dragged and damaged by the bigger boats. There were a lot of complaints about the dredgers because the locals thought they dug up and ruined the bottom - damage that could take years to repair itself. We could see the results of overfishing - population declines of herring and mackerel were obvious even in the short time we were there. And the advent of the EU with its regulations putting the Scottish fisheries at a disadvantage has made it even harder for local fisherman to make a go of it.
Russian and East German ships would lie at anchor for weeks but not let their men off the boats - just in case they'd decide not to come back. There was one East German captain

that did come ashore, caught a bus to Inverness and then a ship to West Germany - his way to get across the wall. However, there was one Eastern European gang that was allowed to come into town - the Bulgarians evidently weren't unhappy with their lot and could be trusted to return to the boat. We were in the Ceilidh Place one night for dinner when about 10 Bulgarians decended on the place - all square, mustachioed, dressed in black leather and looking like trouble. But they sat and talked quietly like gentlemen - then went off to the stores to buy them out of coffee, nylons, and other stuff hard to get in the East.
From our front windows we could see the boats anchored in Loch Broom - they were all lit up at night and looked like a floating city. It was really quite pretty and made the scene festive while they were anchored there.
Why do regulations always end up hurting the little guys, who are so rarely the cause of the problem in the first place? Gah...
I'm sorry to see that you haven't had the time or energy to blog lately - I understand why, but don't like to be the cause of your dropping an activity that you enjoy and that others (including myself) benefit from (please excuse the rudely dangling participle).
I hope that you'll be able to recommence your journal soon...
I have just finished reading your blog. Started with the one that describes the decision to sell everything and head to Scotland. What brave and adventurous souls you two are. I enjoyed every word. I am headed to Scotland for the firt time come March. We will not be there long enough to see your area but I am so glad to have read this part of your story. Thank you for sharing it. Hope all is well.
Just left an overly long comment on the website so will just say I am delighted to have discovered your website and blog, the latter of which I am planting on my desktop for frequent reference.
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